Front: Sometimes, life brings unexpected challenges. We want you to know… there’s hope… there’s joy…
Inside: There’s accomplishment. We will be here to share it with you. That’s what friends are for.
Back: After winning 2 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze medal at the World Special Olympics Summer Games in Shanghai, China, in 2007, Todd was one of 30 young adults honored by his Chamber of Commerce for their influence and success in the community.
The inside photo shows him wearing his medals while accepting the award, “30 for the Future,” from the Chamber’s Executive Director.
The greeting card you are holding exists because people like you helped me achieve my goals. I was motivated to work hard at whatever I did and never give up. I learned to believe in myself and others. Through my cards, I want to help families recognize how many opportunities and great moments they will experience having a person with a developmental disability in their life. Living my life has its challenges, but it’s also a lot of fun!
That’s why my company inspires2aspire.
To learn more about Todd’s adventures, or to share you own, visit:
A portion of the profits from the sale of this card will be shared with organizations that support individuals with developmental disabilities.